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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Product Description: Samsung Vibrant Smartphone - T-Mobile

The Samsung Vibrant Android smartphones watching videos, TV, playing games, surfing the web, texting, and emailing are all on this 4-inch hi-resolution, super AMOLED display. Even more impressive is the lightning-fast 1GHz Hummingbird processor, which delivers high speeds so you get the most out of your Vibrant. Google Maps provides voice-guided, turn-by-turn...
The Samsung Vibrant Android smartphones watching videos, TV, playing games, surfing the web, texting, and emailing are all on this 4-inch hi-resolution, super AMOLED display. Even more impressive is the lightning-fast 1GHz Hummingbird processor, which delivers high speeds so you get the most out of your Vibrant. Google Maps provides voice-guided, turn-by-turn directions with impressive accuracy. The six-axis sensor optimizes Vibrant's media and gaming, providing a seamless, immersive experience while reading, watching and playing. Vibrant features Swype, a way to text by sliding your fingers over the letters that make up the word instead of typing.

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