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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Top of the top 6 Tips for On-Page Search Engine Optimization

Hello fellow bloggers. Are you wondering how to optimize your websites for search engines? If yes, then read the following tips on SEO and check out the titles, meta-tags, headers, text elements, and alt attributes needed for search engine optimization.

1. Heading Tags (H1-H6)

The “Header tag” is simply the headline of the page. Obviously it is preferable to keep it short. Including the spaces, 45 characters would be a good length. Define the header tag clearly for the convenience od search engines and users.

2. Title Tag

The title tag of a page is between the and tags in the HTML of the page. This tag is recognized by the search engine. When a word is searched for, search engines will return a link to the website and display the title tag as the anchor text. Keeping the title tag short while relevant is the best practice to follow. Remember to use important keywords and phrases in the title.

3. Description Meta-tag

Meta-tag is much like metadata – it provides additional information. Meta-tag will provide additionl information on the webpage and the content it includes. The meta-tag is used to provide a brief description of the website. Although not a popular factor in most search engine algorithms, some engines still use it. Hence you should pay attention to what you enter in the tag. Try keeping your descriptions between 50 and 149 characters.

4. Keywords Meta-tag

Crawler-based search engines make use of keywords meta-tags. This tag lists words that describe the contents the webpage. Only a few engines still use this tag. If you are going to use this tag, keep the keywords between 4 and 8. Remember any word you use in this tag should appear at least once in your webpage.

5. Alt. Attributes

Keyword density is no longer as important as it once was. So to avoid any penalties, avoid stuffind the alt. attributes with keywords.

6. Phrase Elements

and semantical tags should be carefully used for targeted keywords within the visible content of your pages. Those tags are alternatives to the and tags, which are for visual presentation purposes only.
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